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Abomey's bas reliefs - Tribal art

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Tribal art > African art books > Abomey's bas reliefs

Abomey's bas reliefs (N° 19327) Deposit sale

The bas-reliefs of the palaces compensated in part for the absence of writing in Fon culture and constituted visual narratives that recalled the history, customs and rituals of this people.
For almost three centuries, the history of the Dahomean dynasty has been passed on by different characters, from the guardians of the cult and warlords to the heralds who declaimed the swords of kings.
Bas-reliefs can be interpreted on the one hand as symbols and allegories and on the other hand as an illustrated story. Their dominant theme is the glory of royalty, or more prosaically, the strength and centralization of royal power.

Text: Fransceca Piqué and Leslie H. Rainer with the collaboration of Jérôme C. Alladaye, Rachida de Souza-Ayari and Suzanne Preston Blier
Condition: NEW
Number of pages: 116
Dimensions: 250x200 mm
ISBN : 9782876602762

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Weight0.50 Kg

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