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Archaeology in Africa - Tribal art

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Archaeology in Africa (N° 19331) Deposit sale

As construction and infrastructure works (highways, railways, mines, urban and industrial areas, etc.) accelerate and expand, it is no longer possible to ignore the dangers that bulldozers pose to the remains of the past.
Moving from a hasty rescue archaeology to a true preventive archaeology, which studies sites, cultures and landscapes before development takes place, the time has come - in Africa as elsewhere - to reconcile the respective requirements of scientific research, archaeological heritage management and economic and social development. In this volume, some twenty African and European researchers identify the issues at stake and address new perspectives for preventive archaeology in Mauritania, West Africa and the continent as a whole.

Language: French
Number of pages: 250
Dimensions: 260 x 220 mm
ISBN : 978-2-84280-146-5

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Weight0.70 Kg

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