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Tribal art > African Chair > Kanyok stool

Kanyok stool (N° 21645)

Carved in a dense wood, this seat figures a human head, offering sketchy features, and carrying a cup that forms the circular seat. Patina of use, significant erosion and cracks from desiccation. Living in the east of the Luba kingdom on the banks of the Mbujimayi, and having adopted part of the Luba culture, the Kanyok, Kanioc, or Bena Kanioka, created prestigious objects, such as water pipes, neck rests, sticks, and stools, and are especially famous for statuettes represented in different postures, made of dark wood and wearing bun hairstyles.  According to the Kanyok religion, the human being is composed of three parts: body, soul and spirit.  They believe in a supreme being called Tang a Ngoy.  The initiation of young people traditionally included, in addition to circumcision, the filing of teeth.  

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390.00 € 312.00 ( -20.0 %) 
Possibility of payment in 2x (2x 156.0 €)

This item is sold with its certificate of authenticity

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OriginCollection P. Malisse
Countryrdc ex zaire
Height cm30
Width18 cm
Weight2.65 Kg
Estimated dating1ère halfxx°

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