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Tribal art > African fetish > Hungaan Fetish

Hungaan Fetish (N° 23239)

Very expressive sculpture of a small, stocky character, represented with hands united under the chin, with characteristics also kwésé, according to the hatching of the face. Orifices have been pierced on either side of the head for possible suspension, sex for ritual purposes. Grainy velvety patina, partially abraded, desication cracks.
The Kwésé are established among other tribes such as the Mbala and the Hungaan, along the banks of the Kwango River in the Democratic Republic of Congo. Their sculpture is inspired by that of their neighbors and sometimes made by the Mbalas at the request of the Kwese.
The headdress shares great similarities with the mukote headdress which, among the Western Pende with whom the Mbala shared mukanda circumcision rituals, became a symbol of the struggle against colonization in the early 20th century ("Congo Masks", ed M.L. Felix, p.114)
Ref. : "African Art" ed. Mazenod; "Treasures of Africa" ​​(p.309) ed. Tervuren Museum; "Black African Tribal Art." JB Bacquart; "Umbangu, Art from the Congo at the Royal Museum of the Belgian Congo" ed. Culture  

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OriginEx-collection française
Countryrdc ex zaire
Height cm23
Width10 cm
Weight0.60 Kg
Estimated datingcirca 1960

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