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Tribal art > Headdress Hat > Lega Cap

Lega Cap (N° 23898)

This type of head adornment is worn by members of the highest ranks of the bwami secret society governing the lega social structure, open to circumcised adults and their wives and who instruct their adherents in terms of moral perfection. These objects are part of the masengo, meaning that they are sacred and can therefore only be worn by initiates. The owner cannot part with it during his lifetime. Bwami has different degrees, with yananio and kindi being the highest. The materials used vary, it can be buttons of clothes, cowries, pearls or cocoa beans. On a carefully braided cap in natural fibers, cowries and multicolored pearls are artistically applied, while long braids of raffia form a semblance of hair. The strap is lined with manufactured buttons.

Source: "Insiders". Ed. Dapper Museum ; "Animal" Dapper Museum; " Powerful Headdresses Africa/Asia " A. Van Custem, M. Magliani; ed. 5Continents.  


This item is sold with its certificate of authenticity

Estimated shipping cost

OriginEx-collection belge
Countryrdc ex zaire
Material(s)raphia, cauris, perles de verre
Height cm16
Width28 cm
Weight0.34 Kg
Estimated datingmid-xx°
Socle inclusOptional

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