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Masques de l'Himalaya - Tribal art

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Masques de l'Himalaya (N° 24591) Deposit sale

This catalog accompanies the first major exhibition on the Himalayan Masks. Encompassing all the religious influences of the region, animist and shamanic, Hindu or Buddhist, covering the entire Himalayan area starting from Ladakh to Indian Kashmir, Nepal, Bhutan and Arunachal Pradesh as well as Tibet, this work presents a complete panorama of the masks of this part of the world. It brings together more than 200 pieces from major private collections or famous institutions, such as the Musée Barbier-Muëller in Geneva or the Musée du quai Branly in Paris. Little represented until recently in museums, Himalayan masks have retained their mysteries. Unlike the African or Oceanian masks which from the 18th century adorned the cabinets of curiosities of scholars of the Age of Enlightenment and whose discovery by artists at the beginning of the 20th century would upset a certain conception of art through its influence on Cubism, the Himalayan masks arrived in the West only recently. It was the opening of Nepal in the 1960s with the influx of characters as diverse as they were curious that revealed this part of Himalayan art that the few collections by Jacques Bacot, among others, had only touched upon without reveal its richness and variety. An exhibition of this importance aims, not only to reveal pieces of rare quality, but through this publication and this confrontation of major pieces, to also allow a significant evolution of knowledge on the subject.

Author: Dominique Blanc & Bérénice Geoffroy-Schneiter
Editions: Five Continents
Condition: used, very good
Language: French, English
Number of pages: 208
Dimensions: 210 x 270mm
ISBN: 978-88-7439-519-4

Possibility of payment in 2x (2x 17.5 €)

Estimated shipping cost

Weight1.09 Kg

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