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Le Descendant Africain  - Tribal art

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Tribal art > African art books > Le Descendant Africain

Le Descendant Africain (N° 24842) Deposit sale

"Racho is a man from Dirédoua near Harar in Ethiopia. His great-grandmother, an Amhara woman of a certain elegance, lived a brief and discreet idyll with Rimbaud during the latter's second stay in Harar. Following the famine due to the war and drought problems raging in Ethiopia, Racho's family went into exile in the Gulf of Guinea. Like Rimbaud, Racho has a fertile artistic vein. He is a sculptor and gives new life to the trinkets and trinkets that he picks up at the Autonomous Port of Cototrou. But his art does not meet any academic rules, Racho finds it difficult to be accepted by his peers and to live from his art. He will thus decide to drop everything and go and carry out his life on the continent of his illustrious ancestor in the hope of receiving there, because of his filiation, an approach worthy of that reserved for princes. To do this, he embarks on a merchant ship hidden in a container. Disembarked in Le Havre , he has only one idea in mind: to visit the tomb of his ancestor and cross the Rhine to take up residence in the Rhineland. Picked up by the German police, he will be sent back to France where, to protect himself from a clandestine situation, he will be obliged to file a request for political asylum, losing control of his destiny for good."

Author: Victor Kathémo
Editions: Editions Myriapode
Condition: used, library book
Language: French
Number of pages: 248
Dimensions: 210 x 150mm
ISBN: 978-2359450156

Possibility of payment in 2x (2x 5.0 €)

Estimated shipping cost

OriginOccasion - bibliothèque
Weight0.26 Kg

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