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Tribal art > African fetish > Vili Fetish

Vili Fetish (N° 25319)

Camped in a posture of challenge, this subject of African art has a ventral load (bilongo) for therapeutic purposes. The Vili produced a variety of nkisi individual use statues, to which multiple virtues were attributed. The glazed eyes symbolize clairvoyance in a face with naturalistic features.
The Vili , the Lâri, the Sûndi, the Woyo, the Bembe, the Bwende, the Yombé and the Kôngo formed the Kôngo group, led by King ntotela . Their kingdom reached its peak in the 16th century with the trade in ivory, copper and the slave trade. Present along the Gabonese coast, the Vili broke away from the Kongo kingdom in the 16th century and the Loango kingdom became a powerful state. Now urbanized for the most part, they still integrate traditional associations, depending on the worship of ancestors such as Mbouiti or Bieri. Lit. "The Kongo gesture" ed. Daper Museum.  


This item is sold with its certificate of authenticity

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OriginEx-collection galeriste belge
Countryrdc ex zaire
Material(s)wood, metal, verre, plumes et plant fibre
Height cm53
Width14 cm
Weight2.55 Kg
Estimated datingcirca 1960

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