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Tribal art > African Statues > Senoufo Statue

Senoufo Statue (N° 25483)

Wearing a crest in the shape of a bird, this majestically arched female figure rests with thick forearms on a small pelvis. Slender arms release the tension of the bust on which a firm chest points. The base - pestle, "sedine" or "dol" depending on the dialect, extends the legs. Medium brown satin patina, minor abrasions and drying cracks.
The Senoufos, so named by the French settlers, are mainly made up of farmers who have dispersed between Mali, Ivory Coast, and Burkina Faso. Councils of elders, headed by an elected chief, administer the Senufo villages. Each of them has its own Poro association introducing young boys from the age of 7 in a succession of three cycles lasting seven years. The Debele Senoufo, or "child of the Poro", "spirit of the bush", intervened in pairs at the during funeral processions or during ceremonies marking the end of initiation rites. The Poro initiates wore them and beat the ground rhythmically to the sound of the drums. Kept in an enclosure, sézing, they were supposed to protect these young initiates.


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OriginEx-collection Mercier
Countrycôte d'ivoire
Height cm131
Width21 cm
Weight13.00 Kg
Estimated datingcirca 1960

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