Tribal Art, online sale of tribal art, primitive art and primitive art

Tribal art > African Dolls > Mossi Doll

Mossi Doll (N° 25661) Deposit sale

Collection of French African art.
Schematic African doll amulet. Beautiful brown patina, alterations from use.
When menstruation appears, in Africa, the young girl is considered a potential mother, aided by ritual sculptures. During the initiatory period of seclusion, the doll, which requires care, becomes the young girl's only companion. Subsequently, it will be carried on the back, or tied around the neck. Wooden dolls (biiga), carved in their free time by blacksmiths in Burkina Faso, are given to girls and boys by their parents. The wealthier Mossi buy plastic dolls. In the case where the girl does not give birth, a larger doll is sculpted to treat her like a real newborn. The doll will not be abandoned after the birth of the child, the mother will continue to take care of it. If the birth has not taken place, the doll will be offered as an educational toy to a child. (Elisabeth L.Cameron)  

Possibility of payment in 2x (2x 145.0 €)

This item is sold with its certificate of authenticity

Estimated shipping cost

OriginCollection française
Countryburkina faso
Height cm20
Width4 cm
Weight0.13 Kg
Estimated dating1ère halfxx°

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