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Jacques Chirac  - Tribal art

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Tribal art > African art books > Jacques Chirac

Jacques Chirac (N° 24348) Deposit sale

Ten years ago, Jacques Chirac inaugurated the musée du quai Branly, the creation of which crowned his commitment to the dialogue of cultures. The exhibition that the museum devotes to its founder explores the springs of his cultural personality. It identifies its sources in the intellectual and artistic history of the 20th century. She underlines to what extent the initiatives of the man who was successively mayor of Paris (1977-1995) and president of the Republic (1995-2007) have contributed to renewing the view of the French on distant cultures, while supporting, on the stage internationally, the defense of cultural diversity. This exhibition, and the catalog that accompanies it, also offer a kind of cultural portrait of a man who for a long time, with modesty, tried to hide his passion for the "primitive arts" and the great civilizations of Asia. The presentation of some 150 works, from major public and private collections, draws, finally, a possible "imaginary museum" of Jacques Chirac, a museum that evokes his passions and illustrates his fights. Jean-Jacques Aillagon.

Author: Jean-Jacques Aillagon
Publisher: Flammarion
Condition: NEW
French language
Number of pages: 192
Dimensions: 250 x 300mm
ISBN: 978-2081358867

Possibility of payment in 2x (2x 17.5 €)

Estimated shipping cost

Weight1.40 Kg

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