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Les arts premiers - Tribal art

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Les arts premiers (N° 24417) Deposit sale

This book is an essential tool, easy to read, intended to make life easier for those who wish to introduce children to the Primary Arts for pleasure, curiosity and not out of obligation. Designed to be accessible without any particular knowledge of either art or pedagogy, it uses, on the contrary, everyday vocabulary (technical terms are always explained). Its content : 1) Information presented in a clear and concise manner, real food for thought to answer this difficult question: what do we mean by “Primary Arts”? Everything that is not Western, everything that is not tribal, everything that is “exotic”, everything that is artisanal? 2) What is the place of the Primitive Arts in the Western world? Over several centuries, their status has gone from objects of curiosities (during travels and the first explorations) to that of art objects which today benefit from a real craze to the point that museums are created specifically for them. . How was this approach apprehended by the populations at the origin of these arts while the past and the phenomenon of colonization are still painful? 3) The Primitive Arts alternately inspire repulsion and fascination in the West. Far from Western artistic criteria, these objects are real open doors to a different world, to other cultures and then become the first vectors of interest in the Other. Its shape : 4) Cards on about thirty works which are used gradually according to the age of the children accompanied by quality illustrations from reference museums in the field (French and international). A pictogram accompanies each work to facilitate its geographical location. Real masterpieces finally reunited! 5) Practical advice for visiting museums, some bibliographical suggestions for parents and children; benchmarks (for example websites).

Author: Isabelle Glorieux-Desouche
Editions: The Perched Baron
Condition: very good
Language: French
Number of pages: 175
Dimensions: 220mm x 140mm
ISBN: 9782351310304

Possibility of payment in 2x (2x 4.0 €)

Estimated shipping cost

Weight0.50 Kg

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