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Le voyage de la Korrigane - Tribal art

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Tribal art > African art books > Le voyage de la Korrigane

Le voyage de la Korrigane (N° 24662) Deposit sale

The voyage around the world of the Korrigane (1934-1936) takes place in the context teeming with ethnographic explorations and scientific discoveries of the interwar period: solitary navigations by Alain Gerbault (1923-1929), "Croisière black" (1924-1925) and "Yellow cruise" (1931), Dakar-Djibouti mission (1933). Five people are behind the chartering of the yacht Korrigane for this long-haul voyage: Etienne and Monique de Ganay, Charles and Régine van den Broek and Jean Ratisbonne. Young, rich, in love with adventure, but very informed, they enjoyed the scientific backing due to the letters of recommendation given by Dr. Paul Rivet, who was then active in the creation of the new Musée de l'Homme. A large part of the ethnographic objects and photographs brought back from this trip will be deposited there until their dispersal in 1959. It is particularly in the Oceanian archipelagos and in Insulindia that travelers will linger to discover peoples still little known to Europeans. They collect thousands of ethnographic objects there, they make thousands of photographs and sketches. It is this material, presented on the occasion of the exhibition at the Musée de l'Homme devoted to the expedition, which is the subject of a scientific publication in this catalogue, while restoring the context of the voyage and navigation The objects collected from a wide variety of manufactures, stone or wood sculptures, ivory, jade, mother-of-pearl and tortoiseshell jewellery, beaten bark fabrics, wooden and basketry masks, everyday objects and ritual objects, allow to discover the diversity of Oceanian cultures, Marquesas, Fiji, New Caledonia, Vanuatu, Solomon and New Guinea. The interest that these objects bring to the history of the peoples of the Pacific and to the history of art in general lies in the fact that this collection took place at a pivotal time, when the ancient traditions of many societies Oceania were just beginning to disintegrate under the influence of Christianization.

Author: Christian Coiffier
Editions: Hazan
Condition: used, like new
Language: French
Number of pages: 240
Dimensions: 250 x 310mm
ISBN: 978-2850258114

Possibility of payment in 2x (2x 46.5 €)

Estimated shipping cost

Weight1.65 Kg

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